The Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club

Serving Manitoulin Island and the North Shore, we maintain 7 repeaters on the island

147.270 with a positive split, it is the backbone of our club, with coverage from Sudbury to Blind River.
444.300mHZ with a + split; IRLP Node 2860 146.550 Simplex Asterisk Node 2359 156.7hZ tone 144.390 APRS iGate/Digipeater
D-STAR Digital Repeater Module C (145.310 + split) Module B (442.050 + offset ***Currently B module is off the air; a multi-mode repeater has taken it's place.***)
146.670 with a - split, located on the water tower in Kagawong.
444.175 + split 156.7hZ tone Asterisk Node 28505

Join the Club

Your local amateur radio club needs your support! It takes resources to maintain our clubs equipment that enables us to stay connected and help our community in times of need. Please use the Join Us link at the top of each page to sign up. You can also mouse-over the upper and left edges of the Join Us today logo...

Members in 2022
Participants weekly nets 2022
Countries Represented
Towns/Cities in Ontario


Breaking news from our club

Sunday, February 04, 2024 Rusty Auxier Uncategorised 614
Al shared this on the net Sunday 4Feb24...I tried to post it on FaceBook but CAN'T POST ANY TYPE of news articles; I THINK the frequency is 437.410 with circular polarization... if the link doesn't work, you MUST CLICK READ MORE then CLICK THE TEXT BELOW The First Amateur Radio Station on the Moon, JS1YMG, is Now Transmitting
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 Rusty Auxier Uncategorised 1376
There are 3 nets that happen on a regular basis on VE3RMI; 10:00am Sunday mornings, 6:30pm Wednesday (YL Net) and 7:30pm on Thursday evenings. You do NOT need to be a member of the club to check in, nor do you need to be a YL to give Lou a check in on Wednesday evening. We also have a meeting on the air 3 times weekly, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00am, affectionately known as 'the hams of the round table'. It used to be every morning at 10 when the global COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020 as a means to check on the well-being of our club members. As things slowly get/got back to normal, we cut it back to 3 times weekly. We look forward to being able to write you down! 73 de VE3WVA Rusty PS - thank you Denis VE3OOZ for pointing out after all these years, we never had net times posted on the website :-0
Saturday, February 18, 2023 Rusty Auxier SK 5798
Wilf, VA3WFO became a Silent Key on February 13th, 2023. You will be missed, my friend! On behalf of myself and the Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club, our condolences to his family and friends. VA3WFO 73 es cul de VE3WVA AR SK
Friday, February 03, 2023 Rusty Auxier General Information 4513
Hi guys Welcome to the new website! There are a few bugs to work out and some blanks to fill in, but it is coming along! Password requirements for the new website are more strict than the old; they now require at least 12 characters for a password. If you are having trouble logging in, please let me know by emailing my call Thanks Rusty VE3WVA
Thursday, January 26, 2023 Rusty Auxier General Information 2440
DONATE to the Club The Manitoulin Amateur Radio Club appreciates all the support that the amateur community has given us over the year as members and in general the donations we have received. Now that the club has entered the digital information technology world, we have created a donation page on our website. This makes things easier if you live afar from the club and wish to donate. We appreciate all the members paying their dues and others that have donated to the upgrades we have done to the repeater and equipment. By no means is there any obligation to donate to the club. This page was created by Rusty VE3WVA as our webmaster that if someone wished to donate it would be easy to do so. Again, we appreciate all the support amateurs have given us throughout the years. We look forward to your participation in club activities and look forward to hearing you on the air. Happy hamming Al Allan Boyd VE3AJB President Manitoulin amateur Radio Club Inc. Please use this button for DONATIONS to the club ONLY; Not for paying membership dues.